Saturday, October 11, 2008

New Tools at Hand

Hopefully I can get permission to use my friends welding gun.
This will open up a whole new world for the Crimson Spade Brigade.
We'll use it in this movie for costumes and weapons and... oh I shouldn't say too much more.
I'll leave the rest up to your imagination~


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

New Horror Movie Planning!

Well I am now in Advanced Video class, which means that new equipment will provide for a better quality movie, and I get to discuss my interest in filmmaking with my peers and recruit actors! This is great news, and on top of all that, we are planning our first movie. It will be a horror movie, but not like the crappy ones we've done in the past, no. This one, with the new technology available to us and the experience I have under my belt now, this one will make your skin crawl rather than make you laugh.

I have a basic concept down, but that's about it. I don't have any storyboards yet, or any concept art; just a small concept in words which I developed a couple days ago.

Hopefully I can draw some rough storyboards and concept art in physics class. Just kidding, stay in school.

I'll be sure to keep you all posted!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Wish List

Okay, recently I have noticed that if I am to start making high-quality, big-name movies, I might need better equipment than what soccer moms use to record their daughters' birthday parties.

So what I have done is devised a list of items that would help me to achieve perfection. I know, I know "Perfection is all in the talent," but how can I bring out the best of that talent?
Well, by using the following, of course...
-The iMac G4 [$350]
-The Canon Gl2 [$700-$800 for camera, $1900-$2000 for all of the above]
Adobe After Effects CS3 Professional [$1000 new ($300-$500 used!)]
Final Cut Pro [$100-$300]

Armor... Done!

Well it appears that our first attempt at armor-making has come to a close! Actually it's been a couple weeks since the armor was finished, but I just haven't updated the Blogspot recently.

Go to the site and see all the completed pictures we've taken so far.
Here's a few samples:

Saturday, July 19, 2008

New Armor Project!

We have been starting a new project since summer is in full gear now. Hopefully a Gears of War movie could be in the making with our new armor making project!

Want to learn more?
Click here or go to our site and make your way to our Armor page!

We will post some pictures here for you, but most of what you're looking for is on that page.
Check it out!
We hope you're excited for this project as we are!


Wednesday, July 9, 2008

::He Is Legend:: Out Now!

The wait is finally over!

After a half-year of post production, "He Is Legend" has finally premiered on YouTube!
We have received much feedback already, and it hasn't even been up for 24 hours yet! People love the movie, and we are already proud of what it has brought to those fans.

Hopefully you will enjoy it as much as them!

Click here to go to the movie.
Parts [1] [2] [3]

Give us some feedback as well!

There was some major difficulties we had encountered while in the making of this movie.
First, we had bad equipment.
A bad camera with bad video and sound recording quality made things rough.
So the video was blurry,
but for the sound, we took out EVERYTHING, and put in our own, home-made sounds.
That's right; all the footsteps, clothing, breathing, birds, even most of the lines were recorded some time after the initial shooting.
Yes, the camera sucked that bad.

Well it's all over now, and I couldn't be any more happy with the finished product... unless it were shot with better equipment.
But aside from that, I love it. I believe that it is easily the best video we've ever shot.

"He Is Legend." Out Now. Check It.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Contacting My Compadres

As some of you may know, I, personally, have moved recently to Washington from my home state, California. It hasn't been too tough integrating into the new environment, although there is a lot of freaking trees. The school is great. I haven't taken the video productions class here yet. Hopefully when I take it next year it proves to be a real experience. The video department at my old school was very impressive, so I'm excited to see how a much smaller school handles its video classes.

Recently, I got into contact with my former video teacher!
He is the one who introduced me to what I could accomplish as a student.
I seriously had no idea that video editing equipment could be accessible to anyone other than pros.
Well I've come a very long way in the last couple years.

I want to send a special "Thank You" to Mr. Clark for giving me the resources I needed to bring out my full potential!

"He Is Legend" Almost Done!!! (this time I'm serious!)

Okay, I know I've said it before... I've said that the movie is scheduled for release 'this date' or 'this date.' But this time, I'm serious!
I've got the clips all edited, but I'm just adding in some sound effects and music.
Then the movie will be released!
I promise!

It will premiere on YouTube this weekend!

Subscribe to the YouTube channel to be the first to watch!

Be sure to watch!

Monday, May 19, 2008

I am FRUSTRATED with Freewebs!

As some of you may know, the official Crimson Spade Brigade website is powered by Freewebs, and they are a very good sponsor for our site, don't get me wrong... But their new BETA crap is screwing me up, and our videos aren't getting through! I'm sorry for this inconvenience. Hopefully they will get their act together soon and you all can enjoy the awesomeness of the movies!
Oh, yeah, and they're all on YouTube if you didn't know.
Here's the link to our channel, where you can access any of our videos from:
The Crimson Spade Brigade youTube Channel
So check them out soon!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

New Blog!

This is the official blog of the Crimson Spade Brigade!
Welcome and feel free to do whatever other bloggers do to the blogs of other... bloggers.
Well since we're fairly new to blogging, we hope to get this thing started up soon!
We'll put links on this to our website, which is updated constantly, and we'll put links from there to here!
How does that sound?