Wednesday, September 24, 2008

New Horror Movie Planning!

Well I am now in Advanced Video class, which means that new equipment will provide for a better quality movie, and I get to discuss my interest in filmmaking with my peers and recruit actors! This is great news, and on top of all that, we are planning our first movie. It will be a horror movie, but not like the crappy ones we've done in the past, no. This one, with the new technology available to us and the experience I have under my belt now, this one will make your skin crawl rather than make you laugh.

I have a basic concept down, but that's about it. I don't have any storyboards yet, or any concept art; just a small concept in words which I developed a couple days ago.

Hopefully I can draw some rough storyboards and concept art in physics class. Just kidding, stay in school.

I'll be sure to keep you all posted!

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